Nostalgic Trash Heap

In movies, we are given unforgettable films but like every year, we’re also forced to sit through forgettable trash that belongs in the Screenwriters Hall of Shame. Join me every day as I give you the “films” to stay far away from. It’s the Nostalgic Trash Heap

The Watch: Jumbled, unoriginal star-studded mess


Hey, everyone. I got a great drinking game to play, seriously this will be the ultimate drinking game. It’s called The Watch. Its very simple. When it comes to blu-ray. Rent it, invite a ton of friends over, get the best liquor, pop it in. Rules: everytime you hear a joke involving gentalia. You take a shot. When you hear stars Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn say “The Watch” you take two shots. Caution: you will be in danger of a week-long hangover.  Why?

Because the Watch is one of the most unoriginal, tasteless films you will watch. That you might as well make a drinking game out of it, in fact The Watch is one of the worst films of the year.

Stiller plays Evan, an manager at a local Costco in Glenview, Ohio. He’s the perfect citizen in the community. I know because we are introduced to him in a bland, tired way. Then one night, a security guard is killed by an something…out there. However, Evan believes it’s up to him to catch the killer and starts the Neighborhood Watch! Ok, it’s not as epic as they must’ve thought. Unfortunately, only three people volunteer. Vince Vaughn (where you been?) plays Bob, a lout that likes to spy on his daughter’s Facebook, do his fast talking delivery of his lines, but only rarely did I chuckle. Franklin played by Jonah Hill who is once again doing his living with my mother, overly aggressive self and British comedian Richard Ayodade who gets most of the few laughs. When I mean few, I mean like 3-4 times. Ironically, this was suppose to be called Neighborhood Watch but prior to the Trayvon Martin shooting. They changed the title or better idea should have been to shelve it.

Did you know that it was actually about an alien invasion? Yeah, me neither. It rarely touches on its main subject. Instead we find out that Evan can’t have kids and doesn’t know how to tell his wife. Omg! Really? Bob being overprotective towards his daughter and even stalking his boyfriend who is a bit too cocky for his own good or is he something more? Yes, he becomes part of the story, I don’t know why, because that was one hell of a stupid twist.

Also, this movie was JUMBLED! I emphasize the word because it didn’t know what the hell it wanted to be. Is it a comedy? Is it a drama? Is it an action movie? Is it science fiction? I had no idea. Also, every time I laugh, the movie got worse. I was scared to laugh for the rest of the time. The unoriginality would have made Adam Sandler blush. I was dealt with a 100 minute film packed with a “joke” a minute involving gentalia, masturbation, and even sexual release. Wow. The supporting characters were also paper thin. I have something I have been wanting to say to Will Forte. You are not…FUNNY. Forte plays a small town cop and I seriously don’t understand why people think he is funny. Just because he was on Saturday Night Live doesn’t mean your funny especially nowadays.

Here’s the difference between Ted and the Watch. Yes, they are both crude. Though, Ted knows what their goal is. The Watch has no clue what the hell it wants to be. They are all in paycheck mode, the side stories are lame, the alien invasion is nothing but window draping, the unnecessary crude script by Seth Rogan, Evan Goldberg, and Jared Stern is horribly jaw dropping. I believe now that Rogan should stop writing now and the direction by Akiva Scheffer was flat Stick to the Lonely Island, please. There is a funny cameo appearance by a great actor but for his sake, I’ll leave him out of this. If you want a comedy that is smart, crude, sentimental and hilarious. Go see Ted.

The Watch is the worst movie of the year so far…I hate to do this.

I give The Watch an F


I’m Jake Turner, reminding you to spend your money wisely at the theater.

Perfect Couples: When can we file for divorce?

Perfect Couples: Pretty people who can’t act or make me laugh…click for reason!

NBC launched Perfect Couples to complete a thursday night “laugh-a-thon.” Do me a favor let me know when we’re supposed to laugh. Comment on the bottom for your thoughts…

OMG! The 10 Worst Films of the Decade.

Live from under an overpass in Hollywood. It’s time to spread the ashes of some of the embarrassments that Hollywood shamelessly marketed and broke the record for walkouts across theaters.

The Top 10 Worst Films of the Decade, one from each year. Comment on the bottom if you want to be heard.

Trash time! The Top 10 worst of 2010.

It took a long time to get here because I witnessed a bad movie weekly. I finally got it down to the top 10. It’s the top 10 worst movies of 2010 and if you have a better list. Comment on the bottom…

Little Fockers: Family is suppose to bring you close, not run for the exits!

What a fitting end to the disappointing comedies of 2010. I just couldn’t believe that with a cast like this and a pedigree of comedy like Meet the Parents was. How surprised I was with Little Fockers…Comment on the bottom for your take.

You Again: Why can’t these two put high school in the past?

Move over Jonah Hex, you have new competition for the worst movie of the year…

It’s a clash of the high school reunions as an all star cast hams it up in You Again. Comment on the bottom for your take as well.

When in Rome (2010)…Worth the trip or cancel it?

When in Rome…um Click if you dare.

Joining the Ugly Truth, Killers, and He’s Just Not Into You in this unique category…click above to find out what the category really is. Kristen Bell and Josh Duhamel inject humor and fantasy in When in Rome. Comment below, I want to hear your thoughts.

Undercovers? More like a Calvin Klein ad than spy show.

Undercovers? Click for the Top Secret review

JJ Abrams takes another shot at the genre that made him a household name thanks to Alias. Spy atmosphere. Too bad the miscasting and bland cinematography kills the show within the first 20 minutes. Find out more by clicking above. If you have something to say, say it. I’m willing to listen.